🔨⏰ A mashup of a tibbletime tutorial with some [image]magick… Beware, silly gifs on charts in store.
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🔨⏰ A mashup of a tibbletime tutorial with some [image]magick… Beware, silly gifs on charts in store.
Sometimes I think I have a handle on merges, and rebasing, and interactive, forced fast-forwards (not a real thing, that I know of). Inevitably, I prove myself wrong, finding exciting new ways of turning my Git history into 🗑️🔥.
Some twitter-follower favourites from each 📆 month of 2017, featuring: R, Python, visualization, interactives, and other assorted items of interest along the way...
A roundup of helpful guides to containerizing packages, docs, projects, and more by using Docker with R. 📦
Arbitrary things that I selfishly love 💖 to see in other people’s blog posts.
I gave a talk at EARL Boston, and managed not to die! 😵 Here are the slides from said non-fatal event for your enjoyment...
This isn’t much in the way of a post, but (as tweeted earlier 🐦), I’ve been digging refind of late...
A ⚡ quick, pictorial run-through for the blogdown, Hugo, Netlify stack.
Scraping descriptions with rvest, and starting to explore my read-book descriptions with the tidytext package.