I came upon a post by Andrew Heiss, Working with R, Cairo graphics, custom fonts, and ggplot, and couldn’t help but notice that the featured font was one I’d seen before…
I thought I could forget about it— move on with my life. Maybe I could just load the tidyverse, recreate Andrew’s plot, and be done with the whole thing.
# Create sample data
set.seed(1234) # This makes R run the same random draw
df <- data_frame(x = rnorm(100),
y = rnorm(100))
# Create plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "This is a title",
subtitle = "This is a subtitle") +
annotate("text", x = 0, y = 0, label = "This is some text",
family = "Papyrus", color = "darkred", size = 8) +
theme_light(base_family = "Comic Sans MS")
But no— that was too easy. His font choice mocked me, still.
So I did what I had to do. I pulled the appropriate data from Box Office Mojo, and made it all nice and R-friendly using Miles McBain’s datapasta
# abbreviated version shown for aesthetic reasons
data <- tibble::tribble(
~Date, ~Rank, ~Weekly.Gross, ~X..Change, ~Theaters, ~Change, ~Avg., ~Gross.to.Date, ~Week,
"Aug 6–12", 73L, "$10,511", "-48.40%", 1, -1L, "$10,511", "$749,766,139", 34L,
"Jul 30–Aug 5", 58L, "$20,353", "-18.90%", 2, -1L, "$10,177", "$749,755,628", 33L,
"Jul 23–29", 55L, "$25,099", "0.03", 3, -1L, "$8,366", "$749,735,275", 32L,
"Jul 16–22", 54L, "$24,371", "-62.70%", 4, -5L, "$6,093", "$749,710,176", 31L,
"Jul 9–15", 47L, "$65,367", "0.25", 9, 0L, "$7,263", "$749,685,805", 30L
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Week, y = Theaters)) +
geom_point() +
annotate("text", x = 17, y = 1500, label = "AVATAR",
family = "Papyrus", color = "skyblue2", size = 24) +
theme_minimal(base_family = "sans")