🎨 Palettes - Archer poster edition

Jo-fai Chow’s rPlotter is described as “[w]rapper functions that make plotting in R a lot easier for beginners.” I came upon it in its best and highest form, though, as “another” colour-palette generator for R.1 To be specific, I was drawn in by Palette Tarantino, which you can catch the code for in Chow’s post, Towards (Yet) Another R Colour Palette Generator.

rPlotter-generated colour palettes for: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and Django Unchained

rPlotter-generated colour palettes for: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and Django Unchained

Being, well, me—my first thought was 🤔 How could I involve Archer in this? So, let’s Archify things… (Yes, his name’s a verb, you’ll just have to accept that fact!)

I’m a verb now, Lana. Deal with it!

I’m a verb now, Lana. Deal with it!

# devtools::install_github("woobe/rPlotter")


I’ll follow the example from the rPlotter README for extracting colours. I retrieved the Archer posters for each season from the Archer wiki (duh), which I’ll use as my source images.

Before we get into the season-by-season posters, let’s take a peek at what I consider to be the “generic” Archer poster of sorts.

Archer poster

Archer poster

pal_a <- extract_colours("https://i.imgur.com/FyEALqr.jpg", num_col = 8)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
pie(rep(1, 8), col = pal_a, main = "Palette based on Archer Poster")
hist(Nile, breaks = 8, col = pal_a, main = "Palette based on Archer Poster")

I’m not loving this palette. I mean, I understand why it’s happening—the suit, the background, the fire, but let’s take another palette generator for a spin.


Emil Hvitfeldt’s quickpalette package “provide[s] a few tools to quickly acquire new color palettes to be used in R.” We’ll pair it with the pals package for easy layout generation.

# devtools::install_github("EmilHvitfeldt/quickpalette")

We’ll use the same image, so we can get a “fair” comparison between the packages.

url <- "https://i.imgur.com/FyEALqr.jpg"
quickpalette::url_palette(url = url, n_clusters = 8) %>%

Definitely getting a brighter vibe with this one. That’s a lot of whitespace. Let’s see if we can tighten things up with Jeroen Ooms’ magick package.

We’ll need to read the image generated in the last chunk back in.

image_read("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rbind/waxwings/rplotter/static/post/2018-07-18-palettes-archer-poster-edition_files/figure-html/quickpal-1.png") %>%


Let’s try one more, Andrea Cirillo’s paletter. Unlike the other two, paletter prefers an image path, so I’ll use a local copy of the same image. There’s a great post describing the math behind the methods in this package, which you can check out here.

# devtools::install_github("AndreaCirilloAC/paletter")

You have to specify a type_of_variable argument, so I’ll go with "categorical".

image_path <- here::here("static", "img", "ArcherPosters", "archer-poster.jpg")
colours_vector <- create_palette(image_path,
                                 number_of_colors = 8, 
                                 type_of_variable = "categorical")
#> decomposing image into RGB...
#> applying kmeans to the image...
#> optimising palette...
#> Joining, by = "id"
#> Joining, by = "id"
#> optimising level of divergence between colours

Though I like the layout of the output, paletter takes significantly longer than the other two packages. I also don’t know why it outputs the palette twice. So…🤷

A palette for all seasons

pal_s1 <- quickpalette::url_palette(url = "https://i.imgur.com/14V7d86.jpg", n_clusters = 8)
pal_s1 %>%
  pals::pal.bands(labels = "season 1", main = "Archer Promo Poster Palettes")

Based on the code chunk above, I’m beginning to suspect that there might be a lot of copying and pasting involved, which means it’s probably time for (you guessed it) a function. To make life even easier on myself, I’m going to use copies of the images, which I’ve conveniently suffixed with _season*.jpg.

I can use a combination of the here and glue packages to build paths to the images.

season_num <- 2
here::here("static", "img", "ArcherPosters", glue::glue("ArcherPromoPoster_season{season_num}.jpg"))
#> [1] "/Users/maraaverick/waxwings/static/img/ArcherPosters/ArcherPromoPoster_season2.jpg"

But, as is suggested by the name, it turns out that quickpalette::url_palette() wants a URL, and not a local file. Due to an acute attack of laziness, I popped all of the posters in a GitHub repo.

season_num <- 2
poster_url <- glue::glue("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/batpigandme/mstash/master/images/ArcherPosters/ArcherPromoPoster_season{season_num}.png")
#> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/batpigandme/mstash/master/images/ArcherPosters/ArcherPromoPoster_season2.png
make_season_pal <- function(season_num) {
  s_num <- season_num
  poster_url <- glue::glue("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/batpigandme/mstash/master/images/ArcherPosters/ArcherPromoPoster_season{s_num}.png")
  pal_name <- glue::glue("pal_s{s_num}")
  pal_cols <- quickpalette::url_palette(url = poster_url, n_clusters = 8)

Let’s see those palettes…

pals::pal.bands(pal_s1, pal_s2, pal_s3, pal_s4, pal_s5, pal_s6, pal_s7, pal_s8, pal_s9,
                labels = c("season 1", "season 2", "season 3", "season 4", "season 5", "season 6", "season 7", "season 8", "season 9"),
                main = "Archer Promo Poster Palettes")

Not bad! For comparison, here’s the set generated when I sent the same posters into the Adobe Color Wheel tool online (which, I assume, is more professional).

Archer promo-poster palettes generated with Adobe Color Wheel

Archer promo-poster palettes generated with Adobe Color Wheel

  1. Author’s words, not mine—I would never disparrage the importance of colour-palette generators.↩
